Doug Engberg "Leather Burning Art" in Gallery I
Doug was born and raised in Williston, ND and worked in the oil field for 30 years.
Doug says, “Loving to draw all my life there was nothing I wouldn’t try in the art world mediums. I have done oil paint, pencil drawing, and burning on wood. I decided to try burning leather to see how that will work, and now I’m hooked on it.
With each art piece I can see the small details that will work from burning deep for the bison fur to the light shading of the tee-pee smoke. It takes time and patience to do this as once the hot tip touches the leather, there is no turning back.
In my early work, I just did the burning on the leather, and now I have been adding color from soft tints to heavy coats to bring them out or adding a color to their eyes. I starting to like this a little bit more to give the extra WOW factor.”