Completed Projects
Cement Work Around Buiilding
Concrete and landscaping to be completed in back of building around utility areas. Funds acquired from a grant provided by Williston STAR Fund.
Tuck Pointing
Tuck Pointing (repair of grout joints between bricks) to be completed with funds from the North Dakota Historical Society Cultural Heritage Grant.
The copper roof was repaired, dome re-coated, and all windows in cupola re-glazed and painted spring of 2015. All this was made possible by private donations.
Before and after of storage closet restoration in lower level of the original building. Made possible with a grant provided by North Star Caviar.
North Door
North entry glass and doors to be replaced with heat efficient panels and new door. Funds from the 2015 Matching Funds Challenge to be used for this project.
Lower-level kitchenette remodel was completed in 2022.
Handicap parking and accessibility was completed in 2022.
Drain to prevent flooding through the handicap-accessible door was completed in 2022.
Re-surfacing of the main gallery floor, replacement flooring in damaged area by office, and new cork flooring in the kitchenette completed July 2015. Funding provided by Williston CVB grant.